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Best questions to ask in an interview
Do you have an interview coming up? If so, here are some of the best questions you can ask.
A job plays a huge part in your life, and it is important that you are in a job that makes you happy. By asking the interviewer what your daily responsibilities will be, you will get a good feel if the role will be right for you straight away.
Finding the right company culture when looking for a new job is vital. In an interview, you should dig deep to get a real insight into what matters to the company the most and what values they look for in their employees.
To see if the company is the right fit for you, you should see what the hiring manager thinks about working there. If you can see their enthusiasm about the company immediately, that is a great sign.
When you apply for a role, it is crucial to know how a company measures success for your own development and to make sure that you both have the same expectations. Ask questions such as, what are the KPI’s for the role? How and how often, are they measured?
This is a great question to ask to find out if there will be opportunities for you to progress your career. You can also ask questions such as, is there a learning and development programme? Do you promote within often?
This question will help you get a sense of the dynamics of who your collaborators will be. Make sure you write down their names and ask for titles. This is a good question to see how cross-functional the role will be.
When you are in an interview, it is easy to focus on just the positives. However, it is just as important to know what challenges you may be facing and to what extent to get the whole picture.
This question shows that you are highly invested in the role and that you are committed to understanding your prospects as a candidate. It will also give you the opportunity to respond to any potential concerns that the interviewer may have.
Good luck, from all of us at S-SA Digital!
Your job search starts here.