S-SA Digital Recruitment

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Vulcan Works

34-38 Guildhall Rd

Northampton, NN1 1EW

01604 201030


76 King Street, M2 4NH

01614 414 810

01604 201030



What Hiring Managers want to see in your CV

What Hiring Managers want to see in your CV

Relevant keywords

When hiring managers scan your CV, they look for key qualifications for the job they are hiring for. You should use the keywords that were used in the job description and include them throughout your CV. Hiring managers often scan for these keywords in your skills and experience section.


It is important for hiring managers to see that you are a qualified candidate based on your education, certifications and previous job titles. This will help them decide whether you would be a good fit for their role. They want to see professional certifications especially if you work in the digital marketing or tech industry.

The easiest way to show that you are qualified for the role that you are applying for is to clearly outline all the industry certifications you have gained that are relevant to the role you are applying for in your education section.


It is important not to oversell your skills when looking for a new job. To check that you are not overly embellishing your skills, recruiters will look at your skills section and decide whether it is a true reflection of your abilities based on what they see throughout your application.

You should use evidence to prove that you are capable of the role you are applying for.

If you are a Marketer: Use statistics such as increased organic traffic by 65% in 6 months.

If you are a Creative: Tell a story in your portfolio, clearly outline your brief, accomplishments, challenges, and the result.

If you are a Techie: Use short bullet points to outline the contributions and accomplishments, you have made in your role.

If you work in Sales: Each business has its own targets, demonstrate how you accomplished these targets and use statistics.

Career Progression

Recruiters and Hiring Managers want to see that you have grown throughout your professional career. They want to see candidates that are looking to advance their skills and knowledge. Hiring Managers would do this by looking at your previous job titles and the dates of when you held that position.

Online Presence

Some hiring managers will look at your online presence such as LinkedIn to get more clarity on your skills and qualifications. Always make sure your LinkedIn is professional and your roles and qualifications match your CV.

If you are a designer, it is essential that you have an online portfolio. So always make sure you add this to your application when you are looking for a new role.


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