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The best questions to ask at the end of an interview
Do you have an interview coming up? Here are the best questions you can ask at the end of an interview.
This question will help you learn more about the company and it will give you the opportunity to demonstrate you have taken the time to research the company beforehand.
You can personalise this question by asking about the company culture and why it’s a great place to work.
This question is a great way to get an idea of what is expected from you.
If the post is new, ask why the role has been created and how your performance will be measured.
If you have applied for an existing role, ask who you will be replacing and discuss your potential responsibilities.
This is a great question to learn more about the people that you will be working with and the overall team dynamic. You can decide if the team would suit you if you prefer working with a larger or smaller team.
Knowing your daily responsibilities will help you figure out if the role is a good match for you.
Find out what a typical day would look like and what their expectations are. That way, there will be no surprises if you do end up getting the job.
If career progression is important to you, this question is vital.
To make sure you will be given the opportunities to move up the ladder within the company, ask how the position fits into the company’s long-term plans, and see if there is a defined career path for you to follow.
This will also show the employer that you have the desire and ambition to progress within the business which is great.
This is another chance to find out more about progression, development and training schemes. However, this question isn’t necessarily motivated by a promotion or financial gain.
Personal development can be just as important as career development. If you have a personal development plan, this would be the perfect opportunity to discuss your aspirations and see how the organisation would fit your goals.
This question is the perfect way to end an interview.
It shows that you are keen and it’s good for your own peace of mind too. If the company has other interviews, at least you will have a timeframe of when to expect feedback.
Good luck with your interview, wishing you all the best from all of us at S-SA Digital.
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