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Reasons why you should use a specialist recruiter when you are looking for a new job
Are you looking for a new opportunity? If you are, here are some reasons why you should use a specialist recruiter to help you with your job search.
A good recruitment consultant will not just send your CV to every open position they think might be a good fit. Instead, they will take the time to really understand what you are looking for and then they will use their expertise to make sure your CV goes to the right hiring managers. They will spend time building strong relationships with their clients and they will make sure your strengths and skills really shine through alongside your application. They will do everything they possibly can to help you secure that role.
Working with a specialist recruiter will allow you to gain industry knowledge from an expert in the field that has great connections with hiring managers and leading brands that are looking for the best talent to come and join them. This means when an opportunity arises that matches what you are looking for they will be amongst the first to know which will give you the chance to move quickly to land your dream job.
Not all job opportunities are advertised. Sometimes companies rely solely on recruiters to find their next candidate so they won’t even advertise the job themselves. This means there are many exclusive job opportunities that you would never even know about unless you used a specialist recruiter.
Recruitment consultants spend a large amount of time looking at CV’s daily. This means they have brilliant knowledge of what a CV that will get the hiring managers attention needs to look like. A good recruiter will advise you on areas that you may wish to highlight and areas of improvement. Once at the interview stage they will also help you with tips and knowledge about the client and how you can make the most of your interview. They will always prep you beforehand so you know exactly what to expect before your interview.
Finding a new job is a huge life-changing decision. How much time will you spend searching for the right role, rewriting CV’s and creating cover letters for different positions? Finding a new job can be a long process. However, if you use a specialist recruiter they can speed up the hiring process as they will be doing most of the work. From sending your CV to your chosen companies to arranging interviews, getting valuable feedback and negotiating job offers. You will be truly amazed at how fast things can move from the moment you show interest in a role. What might take you months can sometimes be achieved in weeks or even days!
When you speak to a trusted specialist recruiter it will always be done in complete confidence. Your current employer will never find out you are looking for a new job from a recruiter. Recruiters have a strict confidentiality process that they adhere to, to make sure all your data is kept safe at all times.
Once you get a job offer, the recruitment consultant will negotiate on your behalf to make sure you get the best deal possible. Some of the things specialist recruitment consultants may negotiate on your behalf might be your salary, bonuses, flexible hours or holiday entitlement. They will also help you understand the longer prospects of the job opportunity too such as training and learning development opportunities.
If you are looking for your next opportunity in the tech or digital sector, let our team of experts help you find your dream role today.
Your job search starts here.