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10 web design trends and predictions for 2022 and beyond

10 web design trends and predictions for 2022 and beyond

Check out the hottest web design trends you need to know about.

Dynamic content

Dynamic content is when a web content page displays differently depending on the user’s behaviour such as location, preferences and recent purchases the user might have made.

Websites that have dynamic content have high engagement and conversion rates as the browsing experience is personalised and unique.

Voice Search Optimisation

The popularity of voice search optimisation is going to continue to grow. More web designers will make this a priority due to the high demand voice search products have such as Alexa and Siri.

Businesses will look to include long-tail keywords in their content based on the way people speak, rather than how they type.


Accessibility and voice search optimisation are closely linked and these trends are here to stay.

Web designers will continue to work on accessibility by designing page features that don’t just rely on keyboard-based input. Instead, they will focus on voice command, virtual reality and augmented reality.

White space

2022 is the year of simplicity and minimalism when it comes to the visual aspect of web design.

The strategic use of white space or negative space will become increasingly popular in 2022 and beyond.

Dark mode

Dark mode has been a massive hit with designers across the globe.

Designers create dark mode designs as they can be more vibrant and refreshing than traditional colour templates. Dark mode designs also minimise eye strain for users, which is another huge plus.


Over 53% of global website traffic is now generated via mobile devices.

With so many users accessing the internet using their mobile devices or tablets it is no surprise that designers will continue to focus on making websites mobile-friendly.

Dynamic scrolling

Dynamic scrolling which is also known as single-page scrolling is when all your featured content is contained within one page.

Dynamic scrolling is a great way to tell a story on your website, especially when paired with parallax scrolling. This is when the background moves at a slower pace than the foreground.

Interactive content

Consumers love interactive content. Interactive content comes in many different forms such as quizzes, polls or even handy online calculators. Users are attracted to websites that provide relevant and valuable interactive content.

In 2022 and beyond, expect to see more designers leverage interactive content as part of their site-building strategy.

Faster page load time

Online users hate waiting for pages to load. These days most users will bounce in less than 5 seconds. This is why it is vital to have a fast page load speed when consumers use your website.

One recent study has found that 2.4 seconds was the “sweet spot” for page load times. When pages were able to load that quickly, the conversion rate would double compared to sites that loaded within 4.2 seconds. – Social Media today

Local SEO

The local SEO trend will stay strong among web designers in 2022. Local content is already vital to many businesses and this importance will only increase as users are continuing to search for all kinds of local information.

Web content with SEO keywords and modifiers like “near me” or “close by” has rapidly grown and according to HubSpot, 46% of all Google searches are already driven by location which is huge.


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