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How to ace a Job Interview following these Quick Six Tips

How to ace a Job Interview following these Quick Six Tips

Do you have an interview coming up? Don’t let the pre-interview nerves get the better of you. Use our quick tips to help you smash that job interview!

1) Preparation is key

Preparing for an interview in advance is vital. Researching the company that you have applied for not only allows you to find out the background of the company. It also makes the interview process a lot easier as you will feel fully prepared for any question that may come up. Interviewers expect candidates to have a good grasp of their organisation as it shows that you are really interested in the role that you have applied for. Researching the company can be overlooked by applicants but it really can make the difference between success and failure.

2) What to wear to an interview

What you should wear to an interview really does depend on the type of job role that you have applied too. The best way to be sure is to double check with your recruiter or employer directly. If in doubt, always overdress rather than underdress!
Remember the way you present yourself makes a lasting impression, so it is important to get it right.

3) How to answer common interview questions

Once you have carried out your research and you know what you are going to wear. The next step would be to prepare yourself for questions that are going to be asked in the job interview. You should focus on the job description and use real examples of you demonstrating your skills to show the interviewer that you would be the perfect match for the job. It is important to listen to each question carefully before answering as you want to make sure that you are fully explaining what the interviewer has asked for. If you need the question to be repeated, go ahead. The interviewer would rather you ask to repeat the question again then go off on a tangent.

4) How to handle the dreaded curveball questions

So, you are in an interview and it is going well then all of a sudden you get a curveball question! Now it is time to handle that curveball interview question cool, calm and collectively. It is important not to rush yourself. Make sure you have carefully thought your answer through, as your explanation will give an insight to the employer of your personality and how well you work under pressure. When answering the curveball question, try to think of an answer that brings out your personality but also highlights relevant skills for the job role.

5) Have questions prepared

In an interview, it is not only the employer that will get the chance to ask questions. You should also use your interview to see if the company is the right fit for you too. Ask questions, make sure you have reflected your enthusiasm for the role by asking more in-depth questions about the company. We do strongly recommend not asking questions about salary and benefits in the first interview. You can ask these questions later on in the process. For the first interview, the main focus should be on the job role and the company. Having questions prepared beforehand could make you stand out from a candidate that didn’t ask any.

6) How to follow-up on an interview

If you are using a recruiter, they would follow up the interview on your behalf. This is great as it puts the pressure off you if you have not heard anything back. We would do the chasing and get the details of the interview and pass it onto you! Phew, looks like you can have that nice cup of coffee and relax. If you are not using a recruiter, no worries. Follow up on your interview by calling the person that interviewed you and ask for feedback. It is always a nice touch to send a thank you email after your interview to the employer to show your enthusiasm and it is polite to thank the interviewer for their time.

Good luck with your job interview, stay optimistic and most importantly yourself!


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